| Daily Bible Reflections for December 7, 2010 |
| Dear Lordie, God has a great plan for your life?including this Tuesday.
Praying for you,
 Bo Sanchez
| WEEP WITH THE WEEPING “‘Comfort, give comfort to my people,’ says your God.” – Isaiah 40:1 I attended a wake of the daughter of a community member. I sat near the sobbing mother who couldn’t understand why her daughter had to die before her. I couldn’t help but notice that most of the people were trying to comfort her with words like, “God has a reason… She is happy in heaven… Don’t cry anymore…” It got me thinking: when I’m broken, wounded and sad, how does God deal with me? The answer? He embraces me. He loves me. He comforts me. At the moment when that mother was wallowing in pain, I’m not sure if any of those “words of comfort” brought comfort. I wonder if she would really choose to rejoice at that moment. Can you really tell someone not to feel bad anymore? Or can we only wait for them to be healed? I believe God weeps with us. When we’re sprawled on the floor, sobbing in sorrow, He gets down on His knees and puts His arms around us. He doesn’t tell us to stop hurting or stop feeling bad. That will come in time. Instead, He lets us know He’s there and that He understands our pain. REFLECTION: When we’re weeping, what do we really want to hear from someone trying to comfort us? Shouldn’t we do the same to others? Lord, teach me to be one with others in their suffering just as You are one with us in ours. | Didache | Companion | Sabbath | Top | COMPANION | 1st READING In exile the people of Israel long for their homeland and in particular the Temple and its sacrifices. That is what marks them out as the Chosen Ones of God. While in exile their love and focus on the Law of Moses has grown and developed as it is all they could cling to at the time. With the rebuilding of the Temple this all changed for a while but then in 70AD the Temple was destroyed and has not been rebuilt. This is why the Orthodox Jews today put such a strong emphasis on knowing their faith through study of Talmud and the accepted authoritative commentaries on the Law. Isaiah 40:1-11 1 Comfort, give comfort to my people, says your God. 2 Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and proclaim to her that her service is at an end, her guilt is expiated; indeed, she has received from the hand of the LORD double for all her sins. 3 A voice cries out in the desert: Prepare the way of the LORD! Make straight in the wasteland a highway for our God! 4 Every valley shall be filled in, every mountain and hill shall be made low; the rugged land shall be made a plain, the rough country, a broad valley. 5 Then the glory of the LORD shall be revealed, and all mankind shall see it together; for the mouth of the LORD has spoken. 6 A voice says, “Cry out!” I answer, “What shall I cry out?” “All mankind is grass, and all their glory like the flower of the field. 7 The grass withers, the flower wilts, when the breath of the LORD blows upon it. So then, the people is the grass. 8 Though the grass withers and the flower wilts, the word of our God stands forever.” 9 Go up onto a high mountain, Zion, herald of glad tidings; cry out at the top of your voice, Jerusalem, herald of good news! Fear not to cry out and say to the cities of Judah: Here is your God! 10 Here comes with power the Lord GOD, who rules by his strong arm; here is his reward with him, his recompense before him. 11 Like a shepherd he feeds his flock; in his arms he gathers the lambs, carrying them in his bosom, and leading the ewes with care. P S A L M Psalm 96:1-2, 3, 10ac, 11-12, 13 R: The Lord our God comes with power. 1 Sing to the LORD a new song; sing to the LORD, all you lands. 2 Sing to the LORD; bless his name; announce his salvation, day after day. (R) 3 Tell his glory among the nations; among all peoples, his wondrous deeds. 10 Say among the nations the LORD is king; he governs the peoples with equity. (R) 11 Let the heavens be glad and the earth rejoice; let the sea and what fills it resound; 12 let the plains be joyful and all that is in them! Then let all the trees of the forest rejoice. (R) 13 They shall exult before the LORD, for he comes; for he comes to rule the earth. He shall rule the world with justice and the peoples with his constancy. (R) G O S P E L I think this parable tells us that God is always on the lookout for the weak and powerless in order to help them survive. God will never give up on any one of us. He loves us all with an everlasting love and wants us all to receive the gift of salvation. 12 Jesus said to his disciples: “What is your opinion? If a man has a hundred sheep and one of them goes astray, will he not leave the ninety-nine in the hills and go in search of the stray? 13 And if he finds it, amen, I say to you, he rejoices more over it than over the ninety-nine that did not stray. 14 In just the same way, it is not the will of your heavenly Father that one of these little ones be lost.” Ezekiel 45-48 my reflections think: God loves us all with an everlasting love and wants us all to receive the gift of salvation. God’s special verse/thought for me today________________ _________________________________________________________ T O D A Y ’ S BLESSING LIST Thank You Lord for: ____________________________________ _______________________________________________________ READ THE BIBLE IN ONE YEAR Ezekiel 45-48 | Didache | Companion | Sabbath | Top | SABBATH | GOD’S MERCY WILL FIND US Today’s “connecting point” between the First Reading and the Gospel hinges on the image of the shepherd. Fittingly, it comes towards the end of the passage today from Isaiah, and then in the entire Gospel parable. It obviously connects, but at the same time the Gospel engages in a slight shift of focus: from the shepherd onto the sheep. Specifically, in fact, to a lost sheep. Perhaps we can ask a question: is it to the discredit of the shepherd that one of the 99 sheep he has in his fold disappears? Is it, in other words, his fault? There is an interesting detail provided by biblical archaeologists and historians regarding the instinctual behavior of oriental-breed sheep typically whenever they get lost. Upon sensing such a misfortune, they stop their frantic wandering and just stay still. Instead of searching the right way on their own, they prefer to sit still and just wait instead until they are found by the shepherd. This was the case in the life of St. Ambrose (whose liturgical memorial falls today): he was the saintly archbishop of Milan, through whose preaching the conversion of Augustine was obtained. A genuine shepherd of his flock, Ambrose was an excellent administrator and a zealous pastor. Thanks to his preaching, Augustine (who, in fact, heard Ambrose in one of his homilies) was converted from his sinful ways. If ever, for some reason, we stray into the “enemy territory” of sin and wrongdoing, we need not panic. God will find us, for sure. We have only ourselves to blame for our sins, anyway. But we have only God to thank for His mercy and love.Fr. Martin Macasaet, SDB Reflection Question: Do you feel like a sheep lost from the Shepherd’s fold? What keeps you from trusting in His mercy and love? Thank You, Lord, for Your undying love and mercy that You shower on me when I get lost in my way. St. Maria Giuseppe Rossello, pray for us. | Didache | Companion | Sabbath | Top | | Find one near you! PICC Sunday (2 sessions) 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. 10:45 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. PICC, Roxas Blvd. Feast Builder: Bo Sanchez Pasig Sunday (2 sessions) 10:00 a.m. - 12 noon 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Valle Verde Country Club (beside The ULTRA) Feast Builders: George Gabriel and Obet Cabrillas Quezon City Sunday 9:00 a.m. - 12 n.n. Convention Hall, Bureau of Soils, Visayas Ave., Q.C. Feast Builder: Eng Si Alabang Sunday (3 sessions) 11:00 a.m - 1:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. 2/L X-site Entrance, Festival Mall, Alabang Tel. No. 659-8299 Feast Builder: Arun Gogna Laguna 9:00 a.m. - 12 n.n. SM Sta. Rosa, Laguna Feast Builders: Hermie Morelos & Jon Escoto Rizal Sunday 9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Valley Fair Arcade, Ortigas Ext. Taytay, Rizal Feast Builder: Pio Espanol Bustos Sunday 2:30 p.m - 5:30 p.m. San isidro labrador Parish, Liciada, Bustos Feast Builder: Chito Manaois Valenzuela Sunday 1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Cinema 1, SM Valenzuela Feast Builder: Eng Si Contact no. 09175789554 Ortigas Monday 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Roofdeck, Prestige Tower, F. Ortigas Ave., Pasig City Feast Builder: Vic Espanol Makati Thursday, 7:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. AIM Conference Center, Benavidez cor Paseo de Roxas Feast Builder: Randy Borromeo Manila Friday, 7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Cinema 4, SM Manila (near City Hall), Manila Feast Builder: Obet Cabrillas Angeles 1st & 3rd Friday, 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. Angeles City Library, Angeles City Feast Builder: Marvin Tan Marilao (2 sessions) Saturday, 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Cinema 2, SM Marilao, Bulacan Feast Builder: Alvin Barcelona Baliuag Saturday 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Cinema 1, Baliuag, Bulacan Feast Builder: Chito Manaois Contact no. 09174358746/09228190198 Cardona Saturday 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Queen Mary Help of Christians Hospital, National Road, Calahan, Cardona CEBU 1st & 3rd Sunday of each month 9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. University of San Carlos North Campus, Mango Ave., Cebu City Feast Builder: Oscar Alino Contact nos. 4128142/09212413801/09232908009 DAVAO Sunday 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Labrecque Hall, San Pedro College, C. de Guzman St.,Davao City Feast Builder: Jing Sto. Domingo Contact nos. 0822865081/0922251822 2. Wake up to the new KERYGMA TV! on TV5! On a new time slot - Sundays 6-7 a.m. PLUS... MUSTARD (for kids) Saturdays 6-7 a.m FISHBOWL (for the youth) Saturdays 7-8 a.m. 3. Need Counseling? Call a friend for counseling at 09228407031, 7266728, 7264709, and 7259999 Mon-Fri 24-hrs, Sat 6am-5pm, Sun 6am-10am. 4. Free Kerygma Magazine (the one on paper) from Bo. If you're a KerygmaFamily member who regularly supports this ministry with at least P300 or US$20 a month - you'll be receiving a one-year subscription of the KerygmaMagazine in the mail-automatically! If you haven't signed up for KerygmaFamily, join now!
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