| Daily Bible Reflections for August 16, 2010 |
| Dear Lordie, Conquer this new week with God's Word in your heart!
Praying for you,
 Bo Sanchez
| SURRENDER “If you wish to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me. ” – Matthew 19:21 I was kidnapped. I was in Sulu, Mindanao covering news as a TV reporter when it happened. Armed men captured me in an area where there was no cell phone signal, no jeepneys, no tricycles.They took all my valuables. I was separated from my loved ones. They threatened to kill me. Before this ordeal, I found it difficult to surrender to God. But in that situation, with nothing to cling to except my faith, it was suddenly easy to surrender. “His will be done!” I kept saying to myself. It was only a matter of time before I could go to heaven, I thought. I was at peace. I had accepted that whatever would happen, my God loves me and I’d endure everything with gladness for the Lord. I thought, this was what Jesus meant when He asked us to sell all our possessions. It meant I had to be detached from the material wealth and everything else that kept me from surrendering. After all, I own nothing, God owns everything, even my life. If this abduction didn’t happen, I wouldn’t have known how to surrender completely. Carlo F. Lorenzo (cflorenzo@gmanetwork.com) REFLECTION: Will I wait for an ordeal to be able to surrender to God every day? What steps can I take to surrender? Holy Spirit, teach me how to surrender and realize that God gives and God can take away. | Didache | Companion | Sabbath | Top | COMPANION | 1st READING Sin and death often accompany one another. Ezekiel’s wife dies and God uses this fact to teach Israel about the effects of sin. God is so fed up with the sin of the people that He is going to allow His sanctuary to be profaned. That is, the Temple will be destroyed. Just as Ezekiel’s personal temple, his wife has died, so will the Temple on the Mount in Jerusalem be destroyed. Ezekiel 24:15-23 15 The word of the LORD came to me: 16 Son of man, by a sudden blow I am taking away from you the delight of your eyes, but do not mourn or weep or shed any tears. 17 Groan in silence, make no lament for the dead, bind on your turban, put your sandals on your feet, do not cover your beard, and do not eat the customary bread. 18 That evening my wife died, and the next morning I did as I had been commanded. 19 Then the people asked me, “Will you not tell us what all these things that you are doing mean for us?” I therefore spoke to the people that morning, 20 saying to them: Thus the word of the LORD came to me: 21 Say to the house of Israel: Thus says the Lord GOD: I will now desecrate my sanctuary, the stronghold of your pride, the delight of your eyes, the desire of your soul. The sons and daughters you left behind shall fall by the sword. 23 [22] You shall do as I have done, not covering your beards nor eating the customary bread. 24 [23] Your turbans shall remain on your heads, your sandals on your feet. You shall not mourn or weep, but you shall rot away because of your sins and groan one to another. P S A L M Deuteronomy 32:18-19, 20, 21 R: You have forgotten God who gave you birth. 18 You were unmindful of the Rock that begot you, You forgot the God who gave you birth. 19 When the LORD saw this, he was filled with loathing and anger toward his sons and daughters. (R) 20 “I will hide my face from them,” he said, “and see what will then become of them. What a fickle race they are, sons with no loyalty in them!” (R) 21 “Since they have provoked me with their ‘no-god’ and angered me with their vain idols, I will provoke them with a ‘no-people’; with a foolish nation I will anger them.” (R) G O S P E L Again, just like last Saturday’s Gospel, we have a call to absolute trust in God’s goodness towards us. Jesus challenges the rich young man to forsake his trust in everything except God’s providence. This seems to be an unreasonable request but it is actually what faith is all about — it is the essence of what it means to have faith in somebody — to entrust all to their care. Let us seek to make our lives living examples of such faith. Matthew 19:16-22 16 A young man approached Jesus and said, “Teacher, what good must I do to gain eternal life?” 17 He answered him, “Why do you ask me about the good? There is only One who is good. If you wish to enter into life, keep the commandments.” 18 He asked him, “Which ones?” And Jesus replied, “ ‘You shall not kill; you shall not commit adultery; you shall not steal; you shall not bear false witness; 19 honor your father and your mother’; and ‘you shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ ” 20 The young man said to him, “All of these I have observed. What do I still lack?” 21 Jesus said to him, “If you wish to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” 22 When the young man heard this statement, he went away sad, for he had many possessions. my reflections t h i n k : Sin and death often accompany one another. _________________________________________________________ God’s special verse/thought for me today________________ _________________________________________________________ T O D A Y ’ S BLESSING LIST Thank You Lord for: ____________________________________ _______________________________________________________ READ THE BIBLE IN ONE YEAR Job 6-9 | Didache | Companion | Sabbath | Top | SABBATH | POSSESSED BY POSSESSIONS When we read the same story in the Gospel of Mark, we are told the man is rich and he is a ruler. In other words, he is in a position of authority and quite wealthy. He possesses many things and now he wants to possess eternal life. The young man is keen to be on the right side; he has done all things well but he feels something is still lacking. Jesus knows the one thing he lacks — detachment of heart. To possess this is the way to enter into eternal life, according to Jesus. The trouble with the young man is that he possesses many things that the world portrays as good, yet is far from God. But God is still pleased with him — he keeps the commandments, is a good person, morally and civilly. You might say that his possessions are controlling him rather than he being in control of his possessions. Notice the man’s response. Jesus gives him the answer to his question, yet he walks away sad. Does this mean he is not willing to give up his possessions? On the other hand, does he now realize what kind of a stronghold he has with these material possessions? Why is he sad? Shouldn’t he be rejoicing at having found the answer to life? Matthew tells us that he left the presence of Jesus in sadness because his possessions were many. Perhaps he was not willing to give them away. Perhaps there were too many to give away. Do you want to enter eternal life? Perhaps like the young man in the Gospel, you are doing all the right things. You keep the commandments, you act in charity, you love the Lord, but what is the one thing you lack? What is your possession? What is the one thing you will not give away, because if you do you will fear being sad? Jesus is telling us to be detached. The very thing that holds us is possessing us to the point that we do not want to let it go. Yes, it will be hard to let go but we must understand the joy and liberation we will have once we are detached. Fr. Brian Steele, MGL Reflection Question: What are my possessions? What are the things I hold dear and find hard to let go? Lord, I rejoice in the gift of eternal life given me. Help me to live, as You want me to, holding nothing back but surrendering all things to You. Amen. St. Beatrix da Silva, pray for us. | Didache | Companion | Sabbath | Top | | Watch Bo inspire you in Preacher in Blue Jeans

1. The FEAST is the one of the happiest places on earth. Find one near you! PICC Sunday (2 sessions) 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. 10:45 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. PICC, Roxas Blvd. Feast Builder: Bo Sanchez Pasig Sunday (2 sessions) 10:00 a.m. - 12 noon 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Valle Verde Country Club (beside The ULTRA) Feast Builders: George Gabriel and Obet Cabrillas Quezon City Sunday 9:00 a.m. - 12 n.n. Convention Hall, Bureau of Soils, Visayas Ave., Q.C. Feast Builder: Eng Si Alabang Sunday (2 sessions) 11:00 a.m - 1:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. 2/L X-site Entrance, Festival Mall, Alabang Feast Builder: Arun Gogna Rizal Sunday 9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Valley Fair Arcade, Ortigas Ext. Taytay, Rizal Feast Builder: Pio Espanol Bustos Sunday 2:30 p.m - 5:30 p.m. San isidro labrador Parish, Liciada, Bustos Feast Builder: Chito Manaois Valenzuela Sunday 1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Cinema 1, SM Valenzuela Feast Builder: Eng Si Contact no. 09175789554 Ortigas Monday 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Roofdeck, Prestige Tower, F. Ortigas Ave., Pasig City Feast Builder: Vic Espanol Makati Thursday, 7:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. AIM Conference Center, Benavidez cor Paseo de Roxas Feast Builder: Randy Borromeo Manila Friday, 7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Cinema 4, SM Manila (near City Hall), Manila Feast Builder: Obet Cabrillas Angeles 1st & 3rd Friday, 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. Professional Bldg., Angeles University Foundation, Angeles City Feast Builder: Marvin Tan Laguna Saturday 5:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. 2/F Activity Center, Pavillion Mall, Km. 35 San Antonio, Binan, Laguna Feast Builder:s Hermie Morelos & Jon Escoto Marilao (2 sessions) Saturday, 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Cinema 2, SM Marilao, Bulacan Feast Builder: Alvin Barcelona Baliuag Saturday 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Cinema 1, Baliuag, Bulacan Feast Builder: Chito Manaois Contact no. 09174358746/09228190198 CEBU 1st & 3rd Sunday of each month 9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. University of San Carlos North Campus, Mango Ave., Cebu City Feast Builder: Oscar Alino Contact nos. 4128142/09212413801/09232908009 DAVAO Sunday 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Labrecque Hall, San Pedro College, C. de Guzman St.,Davao City Feast Builder: Jing Sto. Domingo Contact nos. 0822865081/0922251822 2. Wake up to the new KERYGMA TV! on TV5! On a new time slot - Sundays 6-7 a.m. PLUS... MUSTARD (for kids) Saturdays 6-7 a.m FISHBOWL (for the youth) Saturdays 7-8 a.m. 3. Need Counseling? Call a friend for counseling at 09228407031, 7266728, 7264709, and 7259999 Mon-Fri 24-hrs, Sat 6am-5pm, Sun 6am-10am. 4. Free Kerygma Magazine (the one on paper) from Bo. If you're a KerygmaFamily member who regularly supports this ministry with at least P300 or US$20 a month - you'll be receiving a one-year subscription of the KerygmaMagazine in the mail-automatically! If you haven't signed up for KerygmaFamily, join now!
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6. DONATE using SMART MONEY - type KFAM_amount and send to 270 7. K-FAM INTERCESSORY GATHERING We invite you to join us to worship the Almighty, listen to sharing about the power of prayer and to God?s message through talks, and also to pray for healing. Every 4th Sunday of the month from 7:45 - 10:00 a.m. at the Baras Room, Valle Verde Country Club (beside The ULTRA), Pasig City. After this, you may join the 2nd session of the The Feast (10:30-12:30).
BE THERE TO GLORIFY GOD! BE BLESSED! BE A BLESSING! Admission is FREE! Let us know you are coming! Contact persons: Luisa 0918-4404330 / 0906-3413557 / 632-533-3874 or Me-Ann 0919-3796559 / 0917-4066592 / 632-714-0429 8. Put Preacher in Blue Jeans in your Blog or Friendster! Just copy the text in under next to the EMBED keyword under the video. Just like YOUTUBE! 9. Did you receive this email from someone else? To get Bo Sanchez to send it to you personally, log-on to http://kerygmafamily.com. Lots of surprises await. 10. To change your KerygmaFamily member/email settings. Please click here 11. To enter the Audio & Video Teachings, Please click here 12. Forward these to your friends - so they too can read God's Word and be invited to join the KerygmaFamily. They'll Thank you for opening this mountain of blessings to them! 13. Contact Person: Tina (+632) 9312711 or&nb sp; + 639178424101 or support@kerygmafamily.com |
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