| Daily Bible Reflections for January 22, 2012 |
| Dear Lordie, Thank God for your loved ones this Sunday.
Praying for you,
 Bo Sanchez
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| WISH COME TRUE “This is the time of fulfillment…” – Mark 1:15 It’s your birthday. Your family and friends surprise you with your favorite cake adorned with tiny lighted candles. You prepare to blow out the candles. But wait! They tell you to first make a wish. So with eyes closed, you concentrate on that great dream you have, tingling with excitement for all the possibilities. When I was a kid, I enjoyed that moment, but there came a time when I no longer felt the magic. I grew tired of making birthday wishes that never came true. I figured maybe God was too busy to hear me or He just didn’t want to give me my heart’s desires. Today, I celebrate my 29th year of life with joy at the fulfillment of a birthday wish I made 12 years ago. The long wait is over. I realized that God was simply using the time to hone me in character and train me in skill, and I needed more time to learn to trust Him. Now I know that He heard my wish after all. God indeed is the Master of Perfect Timing. He knows the right time to fulfil our wishes. If you’re reading this reflection, then you know what I wished for.Josiel Erica (osy.erica@ gmail.com) REFLECTION: Do you have wishes and dreams that are yet to come true? Trust that God knows the right time to fulfill them. Lord, comfort me in times of impatience and help me trust in Your perfect timing. St. Vincent, deacon and martyr, pray for us. | Didache | Companion | Sabbath | Top | COMPANION | 1st READING The story of Jonah is one of a reluctant prophet and a merciful God: a man who fears being made a fool of and a God who wants to save people even at the price of a prophet’s minor discomfort. Jonah eventually goes to Nineveh via a ship going in the wrong direction and the belly of a whale – but he eventually goes and does what he is told to do. The people repent at his bidding and God shows His mercy on them. Jonah 3:1-5, 10 1 The word of the Lord came to Jonah, saying: 2 “Set out for the great city of Nineveh, and announce to it the message that I will tell you.” 3 So Jonah made ready and went to Nineveh, according to the Lord’s bidding. Now Nineveh was an enormously large city; it took three days to go through it. 4 Jonah began his journey through the city, and had gone but a single day’s walk announcing, “Forty days more and Nineveh shall be destroyed,” 5 when the people of Nineveh believed God; they proclaimed a fast and all of them, great and small, put on sackcloth. 10 When God saw by their actions how they turned from their evil way, he repented of the evil that he had threatened to do to them; he did not carry it out. P S A L M Psalm 25:4-5, 6-7, 8-9 R: Teach me your ways, O Lord. 4 Your ways, O Lord, make known to me; teach me your paths, 5 guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my savior. (R) 6 Remember that your compassion, O Lord, and your kindness are from of old. 7 In your kindness remember me, because of your goodness, O Lord. (R) 8 Good and upright is the Lord; thus he shows sinners the way. 9 He guides the humble to justice, he teaches the humble his way. (R) 2ND READING Paul has a one-track mind. He wants everyone to give everything they have — their time, talents and resources — to the service of the Kingdom of God to the point that they will forego marriage to be of greater service to the Gospel. His inspiration is that the end is very soon and thus marriage is not as important as getting the Gospel message out to the whole world. He eventually realizes that the Second Coming is going to take a little more time than he originally thought. How do we know this? In the Pastoral Epistles we see that he takes time to set up structures for the communities he established that would serve them for future years. 1 Corinthians 7:29-31 29 I tell you, brothers and sisters, the time is running out. From now on, let those having wives act as not having them, 30 those weeping as not weeping, those rejoicing as not rejoicing, those buying as not owning, 31 those using the world as not using it fully. For the world in its present form is passing away. GOSPEL John’s arrest was a sign to Jesus to begin His own ministry. It is important for us to read the signs of the times in our own lives to be able to respond to the Spirit of God as He leads us. This simply requires attentiveness to the Word of God and His Spirit. If we are regular with our prayer time and are devoted to reading the Word of God, we will not go wrong. GOSPEL ACCLAMATION The Kingdom of God is at hand. Repent and believe in the Gospel. Mark 1:14-20 14 After John had been arrested, Jesus came to Galilee proclaiming the gospel of God: 15 “This is the time of fulfillment. The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.” 16 As he passed by the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting their nets into the sea; they were fishermen. 17 Jesus said to them, “Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.” 18 Then they abandoned their nets and followed him. 19 He walked along a little farther and saw James, the son of Zebedee, and his brother John. They too were in a boat mending their nets. 20 Then he called them. So they left their father Zebedee in the boat along with the hired men and followed him. 1st READING 2nd READING GOSPEL PSALM LIST think: It is important for us to respond to the Spirit of God as He leads us. Joh T O D A Y ’ S BLESSING LIST Thank You Lord for: ____________________________________ _______________________________________________________ God’s special verse/thought for me today________________ _________________________________________________________ READ THE BIBLE IN ONE YEAR John 1-3 SABBATH PAUSE My weekly time with God THANK YOU LIST Things to be grateful for from the past week ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ SPECIAL NEEDS Things to ask God for in the coming week ________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ HIDDEN TREASURE Most important word God told me this week ________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ n 19-21 | Didache | Companion | Sabbath | Top | SABBATH | TIME IS GROWING SHORT Many people in the past and even now have attempted to predict the day when the world will end. This is a pure and utter waste of time and energy. It is more of a distraction than a help to men and women of faith. The Scriptures are quite clear in their statement that only the Father knows the exact day when the world will end. As for us, we should simply live our lives with an appropriate sense of urgency according to the call God has placed upon us. Each of us has one life to live — approximately 80 years if present life expectancy statistics are correct. This means that we have 80 or so years to make our impact on the world and accomplish the task God has set before us. If we fail to do so in those 80 years, then there are no second chances. A close friend of mine believed she had been given a reprieve when she suffered a heart attack at 70. So, she decided that the rest of her life, however long it may be, would be spent in the service of God and His little ones. She devoted her life and ultimately all her earthly resources to Anawim, a home for the abandoned elderly, living with them for the last decade of her life. A few months before she died with her “boots on,” she was orienting the trainees serving at the center. She had exhausted her life’s savings and was probably aware that she had only a little time left. I remember speaking with her before her death and she was as ready to die as anyone I have met — reconciled to the Lord and herself as regards the way she had lived her life. She lived every day as though it was her last. This is what it means to live with the correct sense of urgency as to when the world will end. For all intents and purposes, our earthly existence and the existence of the world ends with our death. In this sense, we will all witness the end of the world when we die. Let us make our lives worth something to the Kingdom of God by seeking God’s will and living it as best we can in our lives. Fr. Steve Tynan, MGL REFLECTION QUESTION: Are you worried about predictions of the world’s end? I hope not! Our earthly existence is a passing reality — let us make the most of it. Jesus, open my heart to Your call so that I may live and do what You want me to do. Help me to give my all in the service of Your Kingdom. | Didache | Companion | Sabbath | Top | | Find one near you! PICC Sunday (3 sessions) 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. 10:45 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. PICC, Roxas Blvd. Pasig Sunday (2 sessions) 10:00 a.m. - 12 noon 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Valle Verde Country Club (beside The ULTRA) Quezon City ( 2 sessions) Sunday 9:00 a.m. - 12 n.n. Convention Hall, Bureau of Soils and Water Management, Visayas Ave., Q.C. Saturday 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. GT-Toyota Asian Center, Magsaysay St. cor. Katipunan Ave. Alabang (4 sessions) Sunday 11:00 a.m - 12:30 p.m. 1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Wednesday 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. 2/L X-site Entrance, Festival Mall, Alabang Tel. No. 659-8299
Laguna Sunday 10:00 a.m. - 12 n.n. Cinema 1, SM City Sta. Rosa, Laguna Cavite Sunday 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Cinema 5, Robinson's Mall, Imus, Cavite Taytay (2 sessions) Sunday 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Valley Fair Arcade, Ortigas Ext. Taytay, Rizal Valenzuela Sunday 1:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Cinema 1, SM Valenzuela, Valenzuela Contact no. 09175789554 Ortigas (2 sessions) Monday 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Sunday 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Cinema 3, Robinsons Galleria, F. Ortigas Ave., Pasig City Makati (2 sessions) Thursday, 7:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. AIM Conference Center, Benavidez cor Paseo de Roxas Sunday, 10:00 a.m. - 12 noon Cinema 2, Makati Square Manila (2 sessions) Friday, 4:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m 7:00 p.m.. - 10:00 p.m. Cinema 4, SM Manila (near City Hall), Manila Marilao (3 sessions) Friday 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Barcelona Academy, Marilao, Bulacan Saturday, 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Cinema 2, SM Marilao, Bulacan Sucat Friday 7:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. Cinema 2, SM Sucat Baliuag Saturday 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Cinema 4, SM Baliuag, Bulacan Contact no. 09175332756/2920044 Cardona Saturday 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Queen Mary Help of Christians Hospital, National Road, Calahan, Cardona Bonifacio Global City Saturday 4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Mercato Centrale, 8th Ave. cor 34th St. BGC Antipolo Saturday 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Eduardo's Taptapan Restaurant Circumferential Road Brgy. San Roque, Antipolo City
CEBU Tuesday 7:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. CAP Auditorium, Cebu City Contact nos. 4128142/09212413801/09232908009 DAVAO Sunday 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. 4/L Alexian Brothers Health and Wellness Center, Matina, Davao City Contact nos. 0822865081/0922251822 3. Need Counseling? Call a friend for counseling at 09228407031, 7266728, 7264709, and 7259999 Mon-Fri 24-hrs, Sat 6am-5pm, Sun 6am-10am. 4. Free Kerygma Magazine (the one on paper) from Bo. If you're a KerygmaFamily member who regularly supports this ministry with at least P300 or US$20 a month - you'll be receiving a one-year subscription of the KerygmaMagazine in the mail-automatically! If you haven't signed up for KerygmaFamily, join now!
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