| Daily Bible Reflections for July 8, 2010 |
| Dear Lordie, Be blessed by His Creative Word this Thursday!
Praying for you,
 Bo Sanchez
| papa ! “Yet, though I stooped to feed my child, they did not know that I was their healer.” – Hosea 11:4 My baby’s first word was, predictably, “Mama.” My husband, Chris, who’s crazy over his daughter, couldn’t wait for her to say “Papa.” When he’d enter the nursery and our baby would look his way then say “Mama!,” his face would fall and his shoulders droop. “Papa,” he’d correct her, to which she would promptly answer, “Mama!” It was March last year when she first said, “Pa!” and Chris was there to hear it. He was ecstatic and he rushed to pick her up from her crib and hug her. He was tickled pink. I wonder if God the Father feels the same way when one of His children learn to call out to Him. Does His heart flutter? Is he so pleased that He wants to cuddle His child? REFLECTION: Wanna make God’s heart flutter with joy? Lead someone to the knowledge of Christ today. Abba Father, I want to know You more and to make You known. | Didache | Companion | Sabbath | Top | COMPANION | 1st READING This text is one of the most beautiful in all of the Old Testament. It is so beautiful, it brings tears to my eyes if I meditate on it long enough. We need to reflect often on the nature of God’s love for us so that we will be convinced of it. Love spoken is not confirmed in our hearts until it is experienced. I can tell people I love them until I am blue in the face, but if I show them I love them through my actions, they are far more quickly going to believe it. Hosea 11:1-4, 8c-9 1 Thus says the LORD: When Israel was a child I loved him, out of Egypt I called my son. 2 The more I called them, the farther they went from me, sacrificing to the Baals and burning incense to idols. 3 Yet it was I who taught Ephraim to walk, who took them in my arms; 4 I drew them with human cords, with bands of love; I fostered them like one who raises an infant to his cheeks; Yet, though I stooped to feed my child, they did not know that I was their healer. 8 My heart is overwhelmed, my pity is stirred. 9 I will not give vent to my blazing anger, I will not destroy Ephraim again; For I am God and not man, the Holy One present among you; I will not let the flames consume you. P S A L M Psalm 80:2ac, 3b, 15-16 R: Let us see your face, Lord, and we shall be saved. 2 O shepherd of Israel, hearken, from your throne upon the cherubim, shine forth. 3 Rouse your power. (R) 15 Once again, O LORD of hosts, look down from heaven, and see; take care of this vine, 16 and protect what your right hand has planted, the son of man whom you yourself made strong. (R) G O S P E L When we preach the Gospel, we are to rely on the power of the Holy Spirit to do the work. Yes, we can use the media aids of our time, but they will be ineffective if not accompanied by the witness of our lives and the power of the Holy Spirit. The world today is full of too many gimmicks and how-to manuals. What we need is power from on high and it is the Holy Spirit who can supply it. Matthew 10:7-15 7 Jesus said to his disciples: “As you go, make this proclamation: ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ 8 Cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, drive out demons. Without cost you have received; without cost you are to give. 9 Do not take gold or silver or copper for your belts; 10 no sack for the journey, or a second tunic, or sandals, or walking stick. The laborer deserves his keep. 11 Whatever town or village you enter, look for a worthy person in it, and stay there until you leave. 12 As you enter a house, wish it peace. 13 If the house is worthy, let your peace come upon it; if not, let your peace return to you. 14 Whoever will not receive you or listen to your words — go outside that house or town and shake the dust from your feet. 15 Amen, I say to you, it will be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town.” my reflections t h i n k : When we preach the Gospel, we are to rely on the power of the Holy Spirit to do the work. _________________________________________________________ God’s special verse/thought for me today________________ _________________________________________________________ T O D A Y ’ S BLESSING LIST Thank You Lord for: ____________________________________ _______________________________________________________ READ THE BIBLE IN ONE YEAR 2 Chronicles 23-24 2 Chronicles 23-24 | Didache | Companion | Sabbath | Top | SABBATH | IS IT REALLY UP TO US? Today’s Gospel reading clearly tells us that we have choices before us regarding the gift of salvation that God offers to us. Jesus tells the people that they have to make a choice and then to persevere in that choice. Salvation is a gift that is offered to all men and women, but it will only lead to our personal salvation if we accept the gift and choose to live according to it. Salvation comes to those who recognize that they cannot save themselves from their sins and turn to God for help in this matter. Learning to entrust our lives into the hands of God is the most important lesson we will ever learn. It is not so much a matter of understanding all that goes into the way of our salvation but whether or not we are willing to trust God in this matter and follow where He leads us. Salvation is a gift that comes to those who have faith. It is not about knowledge or power or wisdom or influence — it is simply about choosing to believe what God tells us about our lives and living by our faith in Him. This will call for great sacrifices from each of us as we are challenged to put behind us the ways and temptations of sin. We will all have to make a stand for righteousness and live in pursuit of truth and righteousness and not just go along with the crowd who may or may not be doing God’s will. Jesus called His disciples to make extraordinary sacrifices to follow Him. It is no different for us. The examples of the lives of the saints tell us that things have not changed in this regard, that being a disciple will require us to witness to the world the life-changing power of faith in Jesus Christ. Fr. Steve Tynan, MGL Reflection Question: What sort of choices am I making in my life today? Am I choosing for Christ and His truth or have I allowed myself to be seduced by the ways and thinking of the world? Lord Jesus, send me Your Holy Spirit to lead and guide me in the ways of truth and love so that I might truly be Your disciple. St. Priscilla, pray for us. | Didache | Companion | Sabbath | Top | | Watch Bo inspire you in Preacher in Blue Jeans

1. The FEAST is the one of the happiest places on earth. Find one near you! PICC Sunday 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. PICC, Roxas Blvd. Preacher: Bo Sanchez Pasig Sunday 10:00 a.m. - 12 noon 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Valle Verde Country Club (beside The ULTRA) Preachers: George Gabriel and Obet Cabrillas Quezon City Sunday 9:00 a.m. - 12 n.n. Convention Hall, Bureau of Soils, Visayas Ave., Q.C. Preacher: Eng Si South Sunday 11:00 a.m - 12:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Cinema 10, Festival Mall, Alabang Preacher: Arun Gogna Rizal Sunday 9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Valley Fair Arcade, Ortigas Ext. Taytay, Rizal Preacher: Pio Espanol Bustos Sunday 2:30 p.m - 5:30 p.m. San isidro labrador Parish, Liciada, Bustos Preacher: Chito Manaois Ortigas Monday 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Roofdeck, Prestige Tower, F. Ortigas Ave., Pasig City Preacher: Vic Espanol Makati Thursday, 7:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. AIM Conference Center, Benavidez cor Paseo de Roxas Preachers: Randy Borromeo and George Gabriel Manila Friday, 7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Cinema 4, SM Manila (near City Hall), Manila Preacher: Obet Cabrillas Angeles 1st & 3rd Friday, 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. Professional Bldg., Angeles University Foundation, Angeles City Preacher: Marvin Tan Laguna Saturday, arter the 4:00 pm Mass - 6:30 pm. 2/F Activity Center, Pavillion Mall, Km. 35 San Antonio, Binan, Laguna Preacher: Hermie Morelos Marilao Saturday, 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Cinema 2, SM Marilao, Bulacan Preacher: Alvin Barcelona 2. Wake up to the new KERYGMA TV! on TV5! On a new time slot - Sundays 6-7 a.m. PLUS... MUSTARD (for kids) Saturdays 6-7 a.m FISHBOWL (for the youth) Saturdays 7-8 a.m. 3. Need Counseling? Call a friend for counseling at 09228407031, 7266728, 7264709, and 7259999 Mon-Fri 24-hrs, Sat 6am-5pm, Sun 6am-10am. 4. Free Kerygma Magazine (the one on paper) from Bo. If you're a KerygmaFamily member who regularly supports this ministry with at least P300 or US$20 a month - you'll be receiving a one-year subscription of the KerygmaMagazine in the mail-automatically! If you haven't signed up for KerygmaFamily, join now!
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6. DONATE using SMART MONEY - type KFAM_amount and send to 270 7. K-FAM INTERCESSORY GATHERING We invite you to join us to worship the Almighty, listen to sharing about the power of prayer and to God?s message through talks, and also to pray for healing. Every 4th Sunday of the month from 7:45 - 10:00 a.m. at the Baras Room, Valle Verde Country Club (beside The ULTRA), Pasig City. After this, you may join the 2nd session of the The Feast (10:30-12:30).
BE THERE TO GLORIFY GOD! BE BLESSED! BE A BLESSING! Admission is FREE! Let us know you are coming! Contact persons: Luisa 0918-4404330 / 0906-3413557 / 632-533-3874 or Me-Ann 0919-3796559 / 0917-4066592 / 632-714-0429 8. Put Preacher in Blue Jeans in your Blog or Friendster! Just copy the text in under next to the EMBED keyword under the video. Just like YOUTUBE! 9. Did you receive this email from someone else? To get Bo Sanchez to send it to you personally, log-on to http://kerygmafamily.com. Lots of surprises await. 10. To change your KerygmaFamily member/email settings. Please click here 11. To enter the Audio & Video Teachings, Please click here 12. Forward these to your friends - so they too can read God's Word and be invited to join the KerygmaFamily. They'll Thank you for opening this mountain of blessings to them! 13. Contact Person: Tina (+632) 9312711 or&nb sp; + 639178424101 or support@kerygmafamily.com |
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